Martin Folino - Your Living Will Attorneys - Dayton Ohio

A Living Will is a legal document you can complete now to declare your wishes regarding the use of life-sustaining treatment if you should become terminally ill or permanently unconscious.

A Living Will:

  • becomes effective only when you are unable to communicate your wishes and are permanently unconscious or terminally ill.
  • spells out whether or not you want life-support technology used to prolong your dying.
  • gives doctors the authority to follow your instructions regarding the medical treatment you want under these conditions.
  • can be changed or revoked by you at any time, but cannot be changed or revoked by anyone else.
  • will be followed for a pregnant woman only if certain conditions apply.
  • specifies under what conditions you would want artificial feeding and fluids to be withheld. 

These materials have been prepared for educational and information purposes only. They are not legal advice or legal opinions on any specific matters. For your specific matter, please contact us about your specific circumstances.

Definitions related to Living Will Law

in Terms and Definitions

DEFINITIONS Ohio’s Living Will Law uses several words that have meanings that might be helpful to explain here.

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